The main web page for this course is maintained by the ECE Department. You'll find it here. This page includes all information about grading, homeworks, exams, TA's, etc. | ||||
Daily Schedule of Topics and Reading Assignment Note: Reading assignments should be completed before the lecture for which they are assigned. Topics for lectures in the future are subject to change. |
Date | Topic | Reading Assignments | Lecturer | |
Aug. 25 | General Course Overview: linear systems, block diagrams, open- vs. closed-loop systems, analysis vs. design | Read chapters 1 and 2 | Hutchinson | |
Aug. 27 | Review of complex variables and Laplace transforms: complex numbers in rectangular and polar coordinates, Laplace transforms, Laplace transform methods for solving linear differential equations, final value theorem | Read section 3.1 | Hutchinson | |
Sep. 1 | Transfer Functions: impulse response, transfer function, BIBO stability, block diagrams | Read section 3.2 | Hutchinson | |
Sep. 3 | Second order systems: general form, poles, damping ratio, natural frequency, transient response, rise time, overshoot, settling time, the effects of adding zero's | Read sections 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 | Hutchinson | |
Sep. 8 | State space: concept of state, constructing state space equations, the simple DC motor example | Read sections 7.1 and 7.2 | Hutchinson | |
Sep. 10 | Linearization: Taylor series, regulation about a fixed point, state space formulation, simple pendulum example | Read sections 9.1 and 9.2.1 | Hutchinson | |
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Sep. 15 | Introduction to feedback control: magnetic levitating ball example, principles and goals for control systems, single-loop systems, integral control | Read sections 4.1 and 4.2 | Belabbas | |
Sep. 17 | Disturbance rejection and PID control: system type, frequency domain view of disturbance, transfer function for disturbance, PID control (various combinations), DC motor revisited | Read sections 3.6 and 4.3 | Belabbas | |
Sep. 22 | Routh stability criterion; Root Locus: basic idea, DC motor example, root locus equations, number of branches, open-loop poles to open-loop zeros, phase conditions, branches on the real axis | Read sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 | Belabbas | |
Sep. 24 | Root Locus (cont.) asymptotes, intercepts of asymptotes, Routh criterion for jw-axis intersection, break-away points, examples | Belabbas | ||
Sep. 29 | Examples: DC motor (P, PD, PID control), general observations, satellite control (many variations) | Belabbas | ||
Oct. 1 | Lead compensation: approximating PD control, dynamic compensation, lead compensation, DC motor example | Read section 5.4 | Belabbas | |
Oct. 6 | Lead-Lag Compensation: basic concept of lag compensation, review of steady-state error and error constants, lag and dynamic response, DC motor revisited | Read section 5.5 | Belabbas | |
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Oct. 8 | Frequency-response design method: brief review of complex variables, frequency response of a linear system to a sinusoid, Bode form, log plots, classes of terms for transfer functions | Read section 6.1 | Hutchinson | |
Oct. 13 | Bode plots for classes of terms: constant terms, poles or zeroes at the origin, poles or zeroes on the real axis, complex conjugate poles or zeroes | Hutchinson | ||
Oct. 15 | Exam 1 | |||
Oct. 20 | Examples, Resonant frequency, resonant peak value, bandwidth | Read sections 6.2 and 6.4 | Hutchinson | |
Oct. 22 | Nonminimum phase systems, steady-state errors (and system type, again), stability and stability margins, gain and phase margins, phase margin and damping ratio, lead compensation in the frequency domain | Read sections 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 | Hutchinson | |
Oct. 27 | Examples using lead compensation, DC motor revisited (root locus vs. frequency domain methods) | Hutchinson | ||
Oct. 29 | Nyquist Stability Criterion: image of a contour under a complex function, argument principle, Nyquist contour and Nyquist plots. | Read Section 6.3 | Hutchinson | |
Nov. 3 | Nyquist Stability Criterion: constructing Nyquist plots from Bode plots, poles on the imaginary axis, stability, gain and phase margins. | Hutchinson |